Tag Archives: National Law Week

Sew 136 – Upcycled show makes mark

Jane Milburn wears Sew 136It has been affirming to see the Upcycled exhibition receive such a positive reception during the past 12 days on show in Coolah’s Pandora Gallery.

By all accounts, it had a positive social impact and provided an engaging opportunity to bring together new members of the community in a creative and uplifting way.

I could also see people shifting their thinking about clothing and textiles, and being inspired by what can be done with stuff in their wardrobes that they aren’t wearing.

Even local solicitor Michael Baxter (photo below) – in town for a Wills and Power of Attorney talk during National Law Week – engaged in the concept and brought a male perspective when he passed through the gallery and asked the question – do you upcycle men’s things too?” Continue reading