Sew 91 – Small actions feed big picture

Upcycled denim bag

In a variation from my usual clothing-to-clothing upcycling, Sew 91 is a strappy dress recast as a carry-all bag.

Reducing consumption by reusing stuff that already exists in the world is something we as individuals can do in response to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report.

Although I live with geologists who have a long-term perspective on climate change across millennia, yesterday’s IPCC report presents a compelling compilation of 1729 expert and government reviewers distilled by 436 contributing authors.

Their considered view is that the effects of climate change are already occurring on all continents … the world is ill-prepared for risks from a changing climate … but there are opportunities to respond to such risks.

In an ABC 730 interview last night with Sarah Ferguson, co-chair of the IPCC Working Group II Dr Chris Field said: “The impacts of changes that have already occurred are widespread and consequential … and the risks of impacts that are severe, pervasive and irreversible is much greater if we stay on a path of continued high emissions.”

The IPCC has put out a comprehensive and considered report for the world to think about – and it is now up to individuals and governments to respond in timely and thoughtful ways.

We often think the small actions we take as individuals cannot have an impact on the planet, but it is the collective impact of many small actions that can make a difference.

Leadership is an action, not a position. My leadership action is this Sew it Again project, demonstrating creative ways we can reuse natural resources – for a double benefit. We can save them from becoming landfill and stave-off the need to consume more resources on new stuff.

Today’s upcycle is a refashioned reject denim shift.  I used the hem of this shift for Sew 31. I wondered what to do with rest, which has lovely detailing. When I experimented by folding it on the side, it emerged as bag just by sewing along the bottom. It already has shoulder straps for carrying and pockets for phone and keys. How simple is that?

Upcycle denim dress to bag


1 thought on “Sew 91 – Small actions feed big picture

  1. JoSe

    Australia will be one of the largest populations impacted by climate change because of our position on the globe. Your due consideration and action to use, reuse and refresh clothing in your 365 day eco-fashion project is very timely, Jane

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